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January 1, 2022
Special Music Online Radio Programming
Daily - 7:00 AM & 7:00 PM Eastern - "The 70s at Seven" - 1970s Decade Hit Music Online
Daily - 6:00 AM & 6:00 PM Eastern - "The 60s at Six" - 1960s Decade Hit Music Online
Daily - 7:20 AM & 7:20 PM - "The Adventures Of Chickenman"
Daily - 8:00 AM & 8:00 PM Eastern - "The 80s at Eight" - 1980s Decade Hit Music Online
NEW!!! - Fridays 9:00 PM Eastern - "The Friday Night 90s at Nine" - 1990s Hit Music
Mondays - 9AM to 6PM - MOTOWN MONDAYs - Motor City Memories Online
When You Least Expect It - "The Classic Hits Power Hour" - ALL Number One Songs
Tuesdays & Thurdsays - 9AM to 6PM - "Workday Double Play" Artist Twin-Spins
Saturdays - 9:00 PM Eastern - "Disco Party" - 3 Hours of Disco Hits from the 70's & 80's
Sundays - 4PM to 6PM - The Sunday Afternoon Beach Blast - CAROLINA BEACH MUSIC!
Fridays - 4:50 PM Eastern - "Weekend Blastoff" - The ONLY Way to End the Work Week
Sundays - 9:00PM until Midnight - "Carolina Easy Favorites" - Love Songs and Soft Hits
Wednesdays - 12AM to Mid - Beatles Wednesday - The Fab 4 - Together & Solo

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